Competition Electronics ProChrono LTD
- Digital chronograph
- Large 4-digit LCD screen
- Up to 9 strings of up to 99 shots each memory capacity
- Review individual shot velocity, average, high, and low velocity, standard deviation and extreme spread
- Works under a wide array of loads and light conditions
- 20-9,999 FPS measurement range
- +/-.5% of measured velocity, or better
- Minimum of 500 ms time between shots
- 31 ns crystal-controlled shot timing resolution (8000 counts @ 4,000 FPS)
- 1/4" x 20 tripod mounting hole thread
- 3/16" x 16" guide wire
- Uses one 9-volt alkaline battery (not included)
- Approx. 20 hours of battery life
- Onboard storage for spare battery
- 15mA power consumption
- 20-100 deg. F operating temperature range
- 16" long x 4" wide x 3-1/4" high
- Weight: 2.1 lbs.
- 2-year warranty against defects
- Made in USA
2-year limited warranty